Every winter new strains of the influenza virus circulate, causing outbreaks of flu. People with chronic diseases (eg asthma, heart diease, emphysema), and the elderly are more vulnerable than others to becoming severly ill if they catch flu.
The flu vaccine reduces your chances of catching flu. The Government have recommends that those at higher risk of severe illness are vaccinated, e.g.
- All patients over 65 years old
- All diabetic patients
- All patients with bad chest and heart problems
- All Health Workers
- Carers
These groups are reviewed and updated each year.
Influenza jabs are available from September to March every year. If you are in a high risk group we will contact you and invite you in to get the jab.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
The pneumococcal bug is a common cause of pneumonia. In those at higher risk of complications from an episode of pneumonia, it can sometimes be fatal. For this reason vaccination is also offered against this bug. The at risk groups are similar to those for the flu vaccine and is offered to everyone from the age of 65, or under 65 if you have a health condition that increases the risk of pneumococcal infection
The new Department of Health guidelines recommend five tetanus jabs in your lifetime. So most young adults are covered for life, three as a baby, one when starting school and when leaving school. The only exception to the above guidelines is in the event of a nasty dirty injury. Please ask us about your tetanus status.
Child immunisation is detailed above. All adults are usually immunised in childhood. The only adults needing Polio immunisation are:
- Those who have never had a polio immunisation course
- Those patients travelling to countries where polio immunisation is recommended
There is no need to boost previously immunised adults who are NOT travelling abroad.
Hepatitis A
Travellers to many countries are advised to have Hepatitis A immunisation. A booster is given after a year and this covers the patient for 25 years. Sewage workers and Water Board workers should have both Hepatitis A and B immunisation. See Travel Advice section.
Hepatitis B
This immunisation is recommended for all health workers and other allied professions. The schedule for immunisation is: – 1st hepatitis B vaccination then a month later 2nd hepatitis B vaccination then 5 months later 3rd hepatitis B vaccination then after 6-8 weeks a blood test to check up uptake of vaccination. Booster vaccinations are advised after 5 years. There is still no decision on whether “5 in a lifetime” are sufficient.
Recent changes in Government advice about Hepatitis B means that the immunisation is not given free under the NHS. The cost is £80 for the course of three injections, £15 for the subsequent blood test and £20 for any further injections. If a job requires the patient to have Hepatitis B immunisation, then the employer should pay for the course of immunisation.