Minor Surgery and Joint Injections

If you have a mole or other lump or bump on your body that you are concerned about, or if it simply gets in your way, then come in and let one of us have a look at it. If we are concerned too then we will ask the skin specialists at the hospital to see you. If they think it may be cancerous, or dangerous in some other way, they will remove it for you. They will not however remove moles that are benign (harmless).

If the lump is benign but you still want rid of it then we may be able to remove it at the surgery under local anaesthetic. This is usually quick and fairly painless, though you will usually be left with a small scar. When we have a look at it we can tell you whether it is suitable for removal here at the surgery.

Joint Injections 

We can provide a range of steriod injections including but not limited to the below conditions- 

  • Bursitis
  • Knee injections
  • Shoulder
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger Finger