Devon and Cornwall Care Record
New shared record system for Devon and Cornwall
Health and social care services in Devon and Cornwall have developed a system to share patient data efficiently and quickly and, ultimately, improve the care you receive. This shared system is called the Devon and Cornwall Care Record. It’s important that anyone treating you has access to your shared record so they have all the information they need to care for you. This applies to your routine appointments and also in urgent situations such as going to A&E, calling 111 or going to an out-of-hours appointment. It’s also quicker for staff to access a shared record than to try to contact other staff by phone or email. Only authorised health and care staff can access the Devon and Cornwall Care Record and the information they see is carefully checked so that it relates to their job. Also, systems do not share all your data – just data that services have agreed is necessary to include. |
Who is involved?
There are more than 760 health and care providers in Devon and Cornwall and, potentially, all of them can participate in the programme.
These organisations include GP practices, NHS hospitals, social care services, mental health services, hospices, community care services and out of hours services.
If you would like to know if one of your health or social care providers is participating in the programme, you can ask them directly or check the participating organisation list on the Devon and Cornwall Care Record website.
How do we keep your data safe?
Keeping your personal data safe is a key aspect of the Devon and Cornwall Care Record and all required measures are taken to keep information secure and confidential.
Shared care records are subject to UK data protection legislation. They can only be viewed by people involved in your care, and they work under strict codes of conduct.
However, if you would prefer that your information is not shared in this way, you can tell us by filling out the objection form on the data security and privacy page of the website.
Where can you find out more?
For further details, visit the Devon and Cornwall Care Record website at